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ALT PTO Bylaws

Angelo L. Tomaso School 
Parent Teacher Organization


NAME. The Name of this organization shall be the Angelo L. Tomaso School Parent Teacher Organization, Inc., commonly referred to as ALT PTO (the “Organization”), located at 46 Washington Valley Road in the Township of Warren, County of Somerset, in the State of New Jersey.


DESCRIPTION. The Organization shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian, non-partisan and non-profit. Recognition that the Organization is a 501 (c) (3) Tax- Exempt Organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service and has a Charitable Registration License with the State of NJ and shall conduct all activities of the Organization in accordance with the rules of these bodies so as to maintain its nonprofit, charitable status.  


The goals of the Organization shall be:

  1. To strengthen the educational and cultural opportunities of ALT School students.

  2. To promote the emotional and physical well-being of the children in the school, the community and the home.

  3. To build a closer relationship between the home and school.

  4. To stimulate reciprocal interest and interaction between the community and the school system.


The policies of the Organization shall be:

  1. To sponsor programs, which shall be of an educational and informative nature.

  2. To sponsor fund-raising projects, the monies therefrom to be used to further the objectives stated in ARTICLE II.

  3. To cooperate with other organizations or agencies active in child welfare, subject to approval by the Executive Board (as defined herein).

  4. To cooperate with the school administration to support the improvement of the overall education of the children and to assist said administration in conducting such programs deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the school, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

  5. To refrain from directly or indirectly endorsing any Board of Education or public elected official candidate but may endorse a school budget.


  1. MEMBERSHIP. Any parent or guardian with a child enrolled in Angelo L. Tomaso School or any school staff member interested in the goals of the Organization and willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its by-laws may become a member upon payment of dues.

  2. ENROLLMENT. The Organization shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but persons may be admitted to membership at any time.

  3. GOOD STANDING. Those persons who have satisfied the standard of membership set forth above, who have paid dues and who are currently enrolled in the Organization shall be considered to be in good standing of the Organization and shall be eligible to participate in its business meetings, receive a School Directory, receive a 5th grade year book or serve in any of its elective or appointive positions.

  4. DUES. The annual dues of the Organization shall be established by a majority vote of the PTO Executive Board.


  1. EXECUTIVE BOARD. The Executive Board shall consist of the following officers:  President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer (collectively, the “Officers” or the “Executive Board”).  Officer positions can be shared by no more than two (2) people.  Each Officer is entitled to one vote regardless of whether they share a position.  In the event of a deadlock on any particular issue before the Executive Board, the Executive Board shall submit the issue to the general membership of the Organization for a vote.   The School Principal, or his/her designee, shall also be considered a voting member of the Executive Board.  There shall be a minimum of 1 Vice President and a maximum of 4 Vice Presidents per school year, such number to be determined by majority vote of the Executive Board by March 31st of the prior calendar year. 

  2. REQUIREMENT.  All Executive Board members shall be required to chair a committee for 1 year prior and/or be in the class parent role currently for 1 year prior to becoming a member of the Executive Board. The office position of President requires prior ALT Executive Board experience.

  3. TERM OF OFFICE.  The Officers shall serve for a term of 2 years per office with a 5-year cap in the executive board unless that office cannot be filled.

  4. ELECTION.  If more than 1 candidate is interested in office position, the officer shall be elected by a majority vote of the general membership of the PTO via closed ballots, no later than March 31.  If any position remains unfilled, the Executive Board may appoint someone to fill the position.  Newly elected officers shall assume office on July 1.

  5. REMOVAL. Any Officer may be removed from office by resignation or by a majority vote of the other Officers. 

  6. QUORUM. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.

  7. VACANCY.  In the event the position of President is vacated before the expiration of the 2 year term the Executive Board shall appoint a President by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board.; notice of such election having been given. A vacancy occurring in another Executive Board office shall be filled for the remaining term at the discretion of the majority vote by the Executive Board, by a person elected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board; notice of such election having been given.


1. PRESIDENT.  The President of the Executive Board shall perform the following duties: 

  1. Preside at all meetings of this Organization and its Executive Board. 

  2. Coordinate the activities of the Officers and committees in order to promote the Objectives set forth in Article II.

  3. Attend any committee meetings; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees; 

  4. Authorized to approve expenditures not to exceed the amount of $200.00, except all approved budget expenditures.

  5. Serve as the primary liaison to the Principal.

  6. Co-sign for all PTO bank accounts with the Treasurer.

  7. Co-sign for all contracts with the appropriate committee chairpersons.

  8. Sign all documentation relating to annual reports, tax returns, charitable designations, etc. 

  9. Attend all PTO events. 

  10. Report back to the Executive Board, as needed.


2. VICE PRESIDENT(S).  The Vice President(s) of the Executive Board shall perform the following duties:

  1. Perform the duties of the President in her/his absence in accordance with Article VI, Section 1.

  2. Lead the Committees as delineated by the President.

  3. Attend all PTO events as needed.

  4. Report back to the Executive Board as needed.


3. SECRETARY.  The Secretary of the Executive Board shall perform the following duties:

  1. Record the minutes of all meetings of the Organization and the Executive Board and present them at each regular meeting of the Organization for adoption.

  2. Maintain a copy of the Organization membership list and determine a quorum at all meetings.

  3. Retain a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order for reference at all meetings.

  4. Conduct the correspondence of the Organization.

  5. Inform the Executive Board and Organization members of meeting dates.

  6. Review and approve monthly meeting minutes and provide copies to the Principal, Officers, and Organization (ie: website and PTO eblast).

  7. Maintain the business license for not for profit status.  Such applicable documentation shall be signed by the President.  

  8. Maintain the Organization’s Incorporation Documents, By-Laws, non profit determination letter and charitable gaming license if applicable including keeping all licenses current by filing all necessary forms and fees as required. Such applicable documentation shall be signed by the President. 

  9. Attend all PTO events.

  10. Report back to the Executive Board as needed.


4. TREASURER.  The Treasurer of the Executive Board shall perform the following duties:

  1. Have charge of all PTO funds and keep an accurate computerized record of receipts and expenditures and present a financial report at each meeting;.

  2. Receive all bills and invoices and make all deposits;.

  3. Secure Executive Board approval of major expenditures, which is defined as any amount over $200.00;.

  4. Prepare a yearly budget with the President(s) 

  5. Present yearly budget to the Executive Board by the time of the first Executive Board Meeting of the PTO.

  6. Present budget to the Organization prior to the first general meeting of the new calendar year and shall submit the budget for approval by a majority vote of those present at the first membership meeting.

  7. Meet with the certified public accountant or tax preparer (“CPA”) yearly and submit the appropriate required paperwork to the CPA including financial statements necessary to file federal and state taxation annually.

  8. Attend all PTO events.

  9. Report back to the Executive Board as needed.


  1. POWERS.  The Executive Board shall have power to transact business between meetings of this Organization, and shall direct and coordinate activities consistent with the Objectives set forth in Article II and Polices set forth in Article III of these By-Laws.  

  2. DUTIES.  The following are the duties of the Executive Board:

  3. Create standing committees to promote the work of the Organization.  

  4. Post copies of the previous Executive Board meetings to

  5. Approve the CPA to assist the Organization in its taxation submission.

  6. Submit to the general members of the Organization a budget for the fiscal year.

  7. Approval any major expenditure which is defined as any expenditure over $200.00 prior to the disbursement of funds.  

  8. Deliver all official materials to any successor Executive Board members upon their election or assumption of duties.

  9. Attend PTO sponsored events.


  1. GENERAL MEETING OF THE ORGANIZATION.  Meetings of the general membership of the Organization shall be held approximately FIVE (5) times between September and June.

  2. SPECIAL MEETINGS. The Executive Board may call special meetings of the general membership, five-days notice having been given.

  3. VOTING.  Each member in attendance at the Organization general meeting shall be eligible to vote, one vote per household.  Absentee or proxy votes are not allowed. 

  4. ELIGIBILITY.  The privilege of holding office, introducing motions, debating and voting shall be limited to members whose current dues are in Good Standing.

  5. QUORUM.  A motion shall be considered passed upon a majority vote of the members present at a general meeting of the Organization.


  1. STANDING COMMITTEES: Standing committees shall be created by the Executive board as may be required to promote the objects and interests of the Organization, as set forth in Article VII.


    1. Committee chairpersons shall be elected by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

    2. All committee chairpersons are required at the end of their terms, to submit to their successor, a summary report and the file or notebook of their committee.

    3. Committee chairpersons shall be required to follow a set of guidelines created by the Executive Board.

    4. Committee chairpersons cannot go over their established budget without approval of the Executive Board.

    5. Committee chairpersons need to complete the volunteer form every year in order to be considered for the position.



The supreme authority on questions of parliamentary procedures shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised. 


These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Organization by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled vote.  A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of By-Laws as a substitute for these By-Laws by a majority vote at a meeting of the Organization, or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board. The requirements for adoption of a revised set of By-Laws shall be the same as in the case of an amendment.



Upon dissolution of the Organization, all funds left in the Treasury shall be used solely for the Angelo L. Tomaso School.  Executive Board shall follow all applicable laws to effectuate the dissolution.  

The Executive Board shall grant approval of disbursement of said funds.​


Section 1.

The Officers, Executive Board and employees of Organization shall be, and the same hereby are, indemnified against expenses and costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees) incurred in connection with any proceeding involving such Officers, Executive Board members, or employees of the Organization to the full extent permitted by Section 15A; 3-4 of the New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Act (N.J.S.A. 15A: 1-1 et seq.) as it may be amended from time to time, or any successor legislation.



  1. FISCAL YEAR - The fiscal year of the Organization begins July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year.

  2. BANKING - All funds shall be kept in a checking account in the name of the Organization, shall require the signature of the Treasurer or President and held at a local financial institution determined by the Executive Board.  Currently, the checking account is held at TD Bank.  

  3. REPORTING - All financial activity shall be recorded in a manual or computer-based accounting system.  The Treasurer shall reconcile the account(s) monthly and report all financial activity monthly to the Executive Board.  

  4. ENDING BALANCE - The organization shall leave a minimum of $25,000 in the treasury at the end of each fiscal year.

  5. CONTRACTS - Contract signing authority is limited to an Executive Board Member as defined in Article IX.

  6. INSURANCE.  All PTO sponsored activities must fall under the approval of the PTO insurance guidelines.

AMENDED (Article V, Sec. 1) on January 23, 2024 by Leslie Morales, Kruti Ramani, Cecilia Hayward, Michele Araujo, Helena Verdun, Anupreet Chadha, Melissa Morano, Kathleen Anderson, and Christine Smith.


ADOPTED by a vote of the membership of the Angelo L. Tomaso School Parent Teacher Organization, Inc. on January 23, 2024 at the General PTO meeting.

Shining Brighter Every Day!
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© 2022-23 Angelo L. Tomaso PTO. All rights reserved.

46 Washington Valley Rd. Warren, NJ 07059

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